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ThreeWill’s Popcorn App Integrates Headsets, Incoming Calls and Salesforce.

Incoming call? Answer It Through Popcorn on Your Computer Headset.




Popcorn is an innovative app that helps you better respond to incoming calls by pulling in information from Salesforce about callers and by making it convenient to complete important tasks, like logging calls.

Popcorn facilitates better conversation and follow up through improved context about the caller before, during, and after the call.

ThreeWill’s application Popcorn integrates Plantronics and ThreeWill’s own cloud-based contact center software to enhance the user experience within a Jive community. Contextual intelligence within the Plantronics Voyager Pro US headset alerts the system that the user is available and ready to receive calls. ThreeWill has created a process in which an incoming call, matched by phone number, alerts the PC and populates a pop-up window on the users screen allowing the user to see immediately the caller’s information contained in their Jive profile. While on the call, the user can delve deeper in to the users profile to find information that may be relevant to the phone conversation. The user can opt to use the phone voice controls in the interactive pop-up window or by headset control. Popcorn involves all aspects of the communications tools, voice, people and applications, in to one integrated solution.

For more information, please visit: ThreeWill – Popcorn

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