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EPOS ADAPT 160 USB II Headset:

  • Double-sided, wired headsets with USB connectivity
  • Call quality meets stylish design
  • Plug and play device connectivity
  • Enjoy enhanced comfort
  • Easy to store and portable
  • Convenient noise limiter switch
  • Same Day Shipping On In Stock Items
  • Warranty 2-Years
  • Non-Returnable

EPOS ADAPT 160 USB II Wired Stereo Headset:

Make an impression with the wired EPOS ADAPT 160 USB II headset. Look good with a minimal design and experience EPOS stereo sound for both calls and multimedia. Choose the headset that adapts seamlessly to your work or out on-the-go.

EPOS Adapt USB Headset Inline Controls


Plug and play the easy way with ADAPT 160 USB II

Experience the elegant and comfortable ADAPT 160 USB II. The headset that adapts to you and your device. Enjoy exceptional audio quality and superior sound while soft earpads provide all day comfort.

With flexible connectivity, it’s simply plug and play – working remotely, at the office or on the go.

Business-grade communication

Work in style with an elegant headset designed for the smart office. Experience flexibility and comfort with large on-ear noise-damping earpads and a discreet boom arm that folds neatly away into the headband, while smart audio technologies give you peace of mind to focus and boost productivity.

Woman in call center setting


Study your way

Turn any space into your study space with an elegant and superior audio tool. Listen and learn with great sound, while the foldable boom arm and exceptional microphone clarity on the ADAPT 160 USB II ensures a good call experience during lectures and group calls.

Smart audio technologies reduce noise disturbances to enable you to focus and concentrate on the task at hand, while the lightweight fold-flat design with comfortable earpads makes it easy to carry around.

Woman wearing wired headset at laptop

Transform any space into your workspace

Experience an audio tool that adapts to you wherever you go. Lightweight, foldable and portable, the headset is designed for today’s hybrid workplace with EPOS Voice™ technology and a noise-cancelling microphone. Enjoy a seamless call experience wherever you work, while smart audio technologies and noise-damping earpads ensure a disruption-free workplace, anywhere with the ADAPT 160 USB II

EPOS Connect:

Download: EPOS Connect optimize and personalize

EPOS Connect is the client application running in the background on the headset user’s PC. The solution ensures that EPOS headsets and speakerphones work seamlessly with various leading softphones and give you access to the latest firmware updates and personalized settings.

EPOS Connect is uniquely configured to either work together with a signed-up company account on EPOS Manager or as a stand-alone application for smaller companies or personal use.

Designed to be simple to use, the application allows EPOS headset and speakerphone users to both enhance and personalize their experience and productivity simply and quickly.

EPOS ADAPT 160 USB II Features:

  • Optimize speech clarity – With noise-cancelling microphone to filter out ambient noise
  • Enjoy a natural listening experience – With EPOS Voice™
  • Personalize for a perfect fit – With an adjustable, flexible headband
  • Protect your hearing – From acoustic shock with EPOS ActiveGard® technology
  • Double-sided, wired headsets with USB connectivity, optimized for UC professionals.

ADAPT 160 USB II Specifications:

  • Model: ADAPT 160 USB II
  • Weight: 5 oz
  • Cable Length: 70.28 in
  • Earpad Size: 2.91 in x 2.28 in x 0.55in
  • SKU: 1000915 (formerly 508315)
  • UPC: 840064407168
  • Warranty: 2 years
  • Sennheiser Voice Clarity: Clear and natural listening experience
  • Microphone: Noise-cancelling
    • Frequency Range: 100 – 10,000 Hz
  • Speaker Type: Dynamic, neodymium magnet
    • Frequency Range: 20 – 20,000 Hz
  • Sound Pressure: Max 115 dB SPL
  • Sound Enhancement Profiles: Automatically adapts and optimizes sound for both communication and multimedia/music
Hearing Protection
  • ActiveGard® Technology
Easy Call Management
  • In-line Call Control: Answer/end/redial, Volume up/down, Microphone mute

What’s In The Box

  • EPOS ADAPT 160 USB II headset
  • Acoustic foam ear cushions
  • In-line USB cable with call control
  • Safety Guide
  • Quick Guide

Additional information for the EPOS ADAPT 160 USB II Headset


Computer USB-A

Wearing Style

Headband – Dual Ear


1000915 (Formerly 508315)


Same Day Shipping On In Stock Items





USB Connection Type







EPOS I Sennheiser

Connects To


Headset Type



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